Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My Blog Is Boring

...or so I've been told. Truth is, I've been so busy with stuff lately that I haven't had time to think, much less write. I still don't have much time to let you know what's been going on so I'll bullet point it:

1. Leading worship at a church in Tyler
2. Went to Spain...again!
3. Preparing to go to Central Asia in August
4. Trying to keep my head above water with work
5. Going to Houston next weekend to play some music with my friend, Branon. Debuting our new song "Delight" together for the first time. He's been singing it in his church with a good response.
6. Getting ready for a garage sale so we can purge our house of unneeded stuff. Hope Jeanne and Laura don't notice the stuff that's missing. :)

That's all I can think of at the moment. In the mean time, I want to share some stuff with you that I am really enjoying. This time, it's Andy McKee on YouTube. His song, Rylynn, was my first exposure to his music and it is truly captivating. He really crafts singable melodies even though his songs are instrumental. I think that's the mark of a good melody. Not only that, but I also geek out watching him play his guitar, especially when he plays in all harmonics toward the end of the piece.

I'll be back soon with more of my "favorite things." Enjoy!

(If you're reading this on Facebook, you'll probably have to "view original item" to come over to my blog and view the video.)


  1. Well, the video certainly "spiced it up" somewhat! Thanks for sharing. Amazing....

  2. Your blog is not boring! I, on the other hand, haven't blogged in a year!

    I hope ya'll had a good garage sale--the garage sale I did your family back in Spring HIll was my most successful every. Apparently, my clothing line is still being talked about there..:)

    Hope all is well with you, Melissa and the kids!


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