Wednesday, June 11, 2008

New Song Demo - Rend the Heavens

Re-posted on July 1, 2011.

I'm happy to share another song with you that I just finished. Some gracious new friends from New Zealand that I've made through PraiseCharts Live are trying to put together a conference for my friend Branon to come and train their worship teams and for me to work with their teams specifically on my music. Our new friend, Diane from NZ, has expressed that since we started talking about this, she has been having dreams and visions of revival breaking out and people lined up outside the church building, waiting to get in. The vision has grown from what started out as a weekend retreat for several churches in the area, to what could possibly be a nationwide concert tour/worship conference/revival "thing" (as you can tell, I don't even know what to call it).

All of this, plus re-connecting with an old friend, John Franklin, who used to be my Sunday School teacher and is a consultant on prayer and spiritual awakening (, has gotten me thinking on the subject of revival. As we were discussing the possibilities of the New Zealand trip, I was convicted that the key to revival is not a few catchy songs. It is the people of God coming together in brokenness and praying for mercy and forgiveness and for God to restore the years the locusts have eaten. The lost will see and hear and know there is a God and fall down before Jesus as their Savior and Lord.

"Rend the Heavens" by Toby Baxley
© Copyright 2008 Toby Baxley (admin. by


  1. Great song!!

    Maybe I'll read Isaiah :)

  2. Wow, I can tell that you are in a good place in terms of your walk right now, because the Holy spirit is really speaking to you; giving you these lyrics and haunting, yet beautiful, melodies. Keep listening ... because you are being mightily used, my friend!


  3. Toby, I started crying when I heard this song. It's powerful.

  4. Once in a generation, sometimes less, God has a specific message for an entire people. He reaches into His quiver of truth and selects an arrow particularly fitted with the message that generation needs to hear. America and more specifically the church’s hedonistic, self-centered drifting has lulled her into a drowsy stupor leaving her unconscious of her departure from the living God. But were the arrow of God’s message to pierce the heart, then we could awaken and return again and once more to the Lord. We would see the glory of God descend upon this land. This song is reflective of the message of God to this generation. It is the arrow that must pierce our hearts.

    Keep it up Toby. Historically, most revivals particularly rediscover some lost truth about God. You are on track!


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